4 tips to improve the quality of leads from PPC

The value of any PPC campaign is weighed by the quality of leads it delivers. Fundamentally, lead quality directly affects marketing ROI, and is subsequently an essential consideration within all PPC campaigns. Quality is achievable through targeting your ads and tailoring the content to your audiences, but understanding what constitutes a quality lead is equally important. Hopefully, the following will help.

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1. Optimise your campaign based on quality over quantity

Before you initially set up your PPC campaign it’s essential that you clearly understand your business requirements, target markets and current conversion rates from lead to sale. Have a very clear idea of your current conversion rate – how many leads do you need to generate on average to convert a lead to a sale?

This transparency needs to continue whilst you’re running your PPC campaign. If you don’t know which of the leads are converting into sales then how can you ever judge the quality?

For example, if you have sent 25 leads from one adgroup and only 1 lead from another, you could find yourself pumping more budget into the adgroup that’s sent 25 leads, without knowing if they are of the quality required. You may end up turning off the adgroup that has only sent 1 lead, but in reality that could have been the lead that converted to a sale, so end-to-end visibility is vitally important.

2. Vary adverts by device

It is hugely beneficial to have different variations of your adverts depending on the platform it is being viewed on (mobile, tablet, desktop, etc.) and the mindset of the customer using that particular platform. For example, it may be a good idea to include a phone number and address in adverts set to display on mobile devices as a lot of mobile search is primarily location-based.

3. Vary adverts by tone of voice

You should be constantly testing different adverts to ascertain which tone of voice and content appeals to people who are at the ‘buying point’ of their search process. Have they got a problem that requires solving? Are they simply looking for information to make a decision later?

You should be making use of Google Analytics features such as multipoint funnels to determine if your PPC phrases assisted conversions from other channels as well.

4. Ensure you have visibility of enquiry forms

Seeing what prospective customers have asked in your enquiry form can assist with building further ad groups/keywords/adverts based upon the language they’ve used and the problems they require solving. You may discover that enquiries reveal industry terms and language around your products that you hadn’t previously considered relevant to your PPC campaign.

As a result of implementing these techniques to your PPC campaign, you may begin to see a lower volume of clicks; however, the quality of these clicks will be far higher and as a result, the cost per acquisition will be greatly reduced. Ultimately, for some campaigns quality is a significantly more important factor than quantity and ensuring you get the balance right is vital.

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