SEO Scoop: Erratic Google ranking fluctuations detected

Europe Antitrust Google

In the last few days, our SEO specialists noticed a possible algorithm update had occurred. This seems to have been backed up by whisperings among the SEO community of possible updates to Google’s algorithm.

What’s going on?

SEO community forums have been sharing their thoughts on suspicious fluctuations in rankings across the board. While it’s not unusual for fluctuations to occur regularly, it would appear that they recently seem more erratic than usual – leading to a noticeable spike in algorithm update chatter.

With no announcement from Google on the matter, we can only speculate as to what’s going on. It would appear that peak fluctuation of results occurred around 6th – 9th January, hinting at potentially significant changes to the algorithm behind search rankings.

Peaks and troughs

The ongoing discussion among SEOs reflects the occurrence of both positive and negative changes to rankings. Some people are reporting major inclines in SERP positions, while others have noticed significant drops, seemingly without reason.

The images below help to illustrate the extent of these web-wide findings:




Now what?

If you’ve been affected by this, unfortunately there is no quick fix. The best advice we can offer at this stage is to closely monitor your rankings in case the fluctuation settles.

It’s also highly recommended that you continue to follow best SEO practice and guidelines such as:

On that note…

If you feel that you or your company could benefit from help with any (or all) of the above, we’re here for you! Contact us today.

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