Understanding the Opportunities and Implications of AI in Digital Marketing  

It’s fair to say that artificial intelligence (AI) has become a hot topic, sparking debate about its role as a major technological breakthrough and its potential uses. There’s so much content being put out on the subject that it can be difficult to cut through all the noise.

Read on to explore the uses of AI in the world of digital marketing, separating fact from fiction and understanding its true potential and pitfalls.

What opportunities does AI offer marketers?

The full scope of AI’s capabilities are still being explored, but most applications and opportunities are clear, ranging from efficiency and timesaving to improved customer service and user experience.

AI could act as a virtual team member that can work 24/7. It can tirelessly analyse incredibly large, complex data sets all at once, and learn as it goes to improve its outcomes.

Rather than replacing people, AI is more of an enhancement to help automate processes, making specific tasks like finding information easier. Some examples include:

Considerations and implications of AI

There are some important things for you to consider when it comes to AI, including:

It’s worth noting that you must be careful with information that internet-trained AIs provide. They can be a useful way to quickly gather some insights, but the information isn’t always factually accurate.

AI is also trained on what it can see; it picks up on existing stereotypes and helps add to existing biases. The quality of data and training given to AI is an important factor.

Getting started with AI

Introducing AI into your business can be complex and overwhelming. In the first instance, exploring some of the free online tools (such as Open AI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini) can be a great place to start, just to get a feel for generative AI and some of its capabilities.

It’s worth running small tests and internal experiments with your teams to see what the results and potential benefits could be.

But when it comes to making fundamental organisational changes and making the best use of AI, we strongly advise seeking expert consultation:

An AI specialist can help you:

It’s important to know what the purpose of introducing AI is and the intended outcome. It may also be necessary to do a lot of other groundwork in terms of data and process before building a custom AI solution.

Introducing our own AI technology: A tailored AI solution

Our custom AI technology offers versatile applications right out-of-the-box. It stands out for its adaptability to specific business needs and challenges, offering a personalised touch to AI solutions, including our own LLM generative AI chat interface (like ChatGPT or Gemini).

As a proprietary tool—unlike public or open-source alternatives—you have complete control over its functionality, usage and data access. This control extends to the security of your data, ensuring it’s not shared without your consent.

Unlike free, public AI tools, our technology can be:

Find out how we can help revolutionise your business

Ready to unlock the potential of AI in your organisation? Whether you’re looking for general guidance, a specific solution, or some context on AI in your industry, we can help.

We’re here to guide you through the possibilities AI offers and how it can specifically benefit your business.

Chat with our experienced AI and transformational technology consultants today.

Talk to us today >

AI definitions – a handy glossary

Machine Learning (ML): The ability for a machine to learn from data over time.

Natural Language Processing (NLP): The ability for machines to understand human language.

Large Language Models (LLMs): Emerging from NLP and a machine’s ability to communicate in a natural, human way.

Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT): A type of LLM, such as ChatGPT or Gemini.

Generative AI: The ability for machines to create new things based on prompts. This can be text, image, video and audio etc.

Examples of AI applications 

AI systems have different functions and purposes, such as conversational AIs, research assistants, data processors, or content generators. Some examples include:

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