Accessibility Matters: Optimising Your Website For Screen Readers

A computer on a desk displaying a generic website design with the words "access my website" at the top

Website accessibility isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a necessity. Accessibility isn’t just about catering to a minority; it’s about inclusivity and creating a positive experience for everyone who visits your site.

One crucial aspect of this is making sure your website is optimised for screen readers. These tools help visually impaired users navigate the web, and by optimising for them, you’re not just complying with legal standards, but also broadening your audience. Here’s how to do it.

Understanding Screen Readers

Screen readers are software that convert text on a screen into spoken words. They allow visually impaired users to “read” content by listening to it. However, screen readers can only work effectively if websites are built with accessibility in mind.

This involves more than just adding alt text to images; it’s about making your entire site’s structure and content readable and understandable.

Start with Semantic HTML

Semantic HTML is the backbone of accessible websites. By using the correct HTML tags for headings, lists, navigation, and more, you’re providing a clear structure that screen readers can easily interpret. For example, <h1> tags should be used for the main heading of your page, followed by <h2>, <h3>, and so on for subheadings. This creates a logical hierarchy that screen readers can navigate, allowing users to jump between sections easily.

Ensure that all interactive elements like buttons, forms, and links are coded properly. For instance, use <button> tags instead of <div> tags for clickable elements, as screen readers are better equipped to recognise and announce these.

Provide Descriptive Alt Text

Alt text is crucial for screen readers because it describes images to users who can’t see them. But it’s not enough to simply add alt text; it needs to be descriptive and relevant. Instead of writing “Image of a dog,” consider something like “A golden retriever playing in the park.” This gives users a clearer understanding of what’s in the image.

Avoid using phrases like “image of” or “picture of” in your alt text; screen readers already announce that it’s an image. Keep it brief yet descriptive and ensure that all important images on your site have alt text,

Not sure if your image is decorative? In terms of accessibility, an image is considered decorative if it:

Something like a divider or a pattern in an image format would be described as “decorative”, but for more detailed guidance, you can refer to WebAIM’s Alt Text Guidelines.

Use ARIA Landmarks Wisely

ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) landmarks help screen readers understand different sections of your webpage, especially on more complex sites. These landmarks, such as role=”navigation” or role=”main”, guide users through the content by labelling the different areas of your site.

However, it’s essential not to overuse ARIA. If your HTML is already semantic, adding extra ARIA roles can sometimes be redundant and may even confuse screen readers. Use ARIA primarily when you need to add accessibility features that aren’t supported by HTML alone.

For a comprehensive guide on ARIA, visit the W3C WAI-ARIA Overview.

Ensure Keyboard Accessibility

Many users who rely on screen readers also navigate websites using a keyboard rather than a mouse. This means that all interactive elements on your site need to be accessible via keyboard alone. Ensure that users can tab through links, buttons, and form fields in a logical order, and that they can activate all features without needing a mouse.

Avoid using complex JavaScript interactions that can’t be triggered by a keyboard, or if you do, provide an accessible alternative. Test your site by navigating it with just the keyboard; if you can’t access something, neither can your screen reader users.

For more details on keyboard accessibility, you can refer to The A11Y Project’s Keyboard Accessibility Guide.

Test Your Site with Screen Readers

The best way to know if your site is truly accessible is to test it with the same tools your users will be using. Screen readers like NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) and VoiceOver for Mac are popular and free to use. By testing your site with these tools, you can identify areas where your content might be misinterpreted or skipped over.

Remember, screen readers read out content linearly, so even if something looks good visually, it might not make sense when read aloud. Regular testing will help you catch these issues before they become a problem for your users.

Write Clear and Concise Content

Content that’s easy to read is also easier to understand when it’s being read aloud by a screen reader. Avoid long, complex sentences and jargon. Instead, use clear and concise language that gets straight to the point.

Break up text with headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs, making it easier for screen readers to navigate and for users to comprehend.

Make Accessibility a Priority

Optimising your website for screen readers isn’t just about following best practices—it’s about putting yourself in the shoes of your users and ensuring that your content is accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities.

Accessibility should never be an afterthought. By making it a priority, you’re contributing to a more inclusive web, one that welcomes and supports all users. And that’s something we can all get behind.

Need some help getting your website to be accessible? Our team of experts is on hand to help you out with a website accessibility audit and point you in the right direction. Get in touch with us today.







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