iOLAP is now part of Elixirr Digital. All previous iOLAP services, thought leadership and career opportunities will shortly be integrated into the full Elixirr Digital site
I had the opportunity of speaking at Figaro Digital’s Health Check event today hosted at Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium in London and despite the fact I don’t think much of the football team, the venue was fantastic. The Health Check is a one day event which is aimed at marketers seeking new suppliers for forthcoming projects. My presentation […]
My past couple of days working in Coast Digital have opened my mind up to so many different techniques of digital media and how these are used to promote and market a range of companies. I have learnt so much about the different aspects of digital marketing which has helped me to gain an insight […]
At this time of year, we all look back on the year just gone and more importantly, try and predict what will happen in in the year to come. I’m sure you’ll read plenty of such ‘previews’ over the next few weeks, so I thought I’d try and present it in a slightly different way. […]